Second Chances Resource Library

The Second Chances Resource Library contains resources related to expanding release opportunities
for people in prison who are serving long sentences or have other circumstances warranting release

Found 332 resources
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PDF State Compassionate Release: The National Picture


FAMM’s Compassionate Release Report Cards look at how well states provide compassionate release to medically vulnerable, aging, and terminally ill incarcerated people. They grade each state program on key measures such as eligibility criteria, procedures, release planning, and data collection/public reporting. This infographic shows the overall grade for each state. Unfortunately, the majority of states flunk compassionate release.

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PDF Compassionate Release National Survey

Organization/Publisher:Public Opinion Strategies and FAMM
Author:Robert Blizzard

This national survey of 1000 registered voters was conducted online October 610, 2022. It found that 70% of Americans, across political lines, support compassionate release programs. The poll results provide more detail about this and other related findings.

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PDF Compassionate Release Toolkit: Crafting Compassionate Release Programs That Work

Author:Mary Price

FAMM’s Compassionate Release Report Cards grade state’s compassionate release mechanisms in seven performance categories. Unfortunately, the majority of states’ programs flunk compassionate release. Those that do not, nonetheless, could stand significant improvement in one or more of the areas we evaluated.

Knowing what doesn’t work is the first step to fixing underperforming programs. The report card project’s aim is to identify barriers to the success of well-intentioned programs that don’t work as intended. We offer this toolkit to lawmakers, advocates, and stakeholders interested in refurbishing the broken programs in their state. We hope that the ideas here will generate improvements in the reach, accessibility, design, and transparency of their state compassionate release programs.

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PDF Grading the States: The State Compassionate Release Report Card Project

Author:Mary Price

With “Grading the States: the State Compassionate Release Report Card Project,” FAMM issues a report card for every state compassionate release program in the nation. FAMM graded the programs on elements we consider essential to ensuring that the programs benefit those who need them: medically vulnerable, aging, and terminally ill incarcerated people whose continued imprisonment no longer serves the interests of justice.

Knowing that a program fails to live up to its promise is the first step to improvement, but knowing how and why it fails is the essential next step. Our report cards aim to provide that information. We did not grade on a curve. Still, we were surprised to find that the majority of states flunk compassionate release. We offer the report cards not to shame failing states but to help concerned stakeholders understand the practical barriers to compassionate release. We hope these report cards spur people to ask and answer the questions that will trigger reform.

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PDF Compassionate Release Report Card – Florida

Author:Mary Price

FAMM’s Compassionate Release Report Cards look at how well states provide compassionate release to medically vulnerable, aging, and terminally ill incarcerated people. They grade each state program on key measures such as eligibility criteria, procedures, release planning, and data collection/public reporting. Florida’s two compassionate release programs, “Conditional Medical Release” and “Medical Furlough” both received grades of F, and Florida’s overall grade is also F.

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Organization/Publisher:Source NM

This is a statement from the sponsors of a New Mexico bill, SB43, which would to ban life without parole for juveniles and create early parole for those serving long adult sentences for crimes committed as children.


PDF Child and Adolescent Psychiatrist Letter in Support of SB 43

Organization/Publisher:ACLU NM
Author:George Davis

This is a letter written by George Davis, a child and adolescent psychiatrist, in support of a New Mexico bill to ban life without parole for juveniles and create early parole for those serving long adult sentences for crimes committed as children.


PDF District Attorney in Support of SB247 (Juvenile Life Sentences w/o Parole)

Organization/Publisher:ACLU NM
Author:Mary Carmack-Altwies

This is a letter written by New Mexico First Judicial District Attorney Mary Carmack-Altwies in support of a New Mexico bill that would ban life without parole for juveniles and create early parole for those serving long adult sentences for crimes committed as children.


PDF Statement of Survivors and Family Members of Victims of Youth Violence in Support of Abolishing Life without the Possibility of Parole and Creating Parole Eligibility After 15 Years for Children

Organization/Publisher:The Campaign for the Fair Sentencing of Youth
Author:Rukiye Abdul-Mutakallim, Srletta Evans, Paul LaRuffa, Isa Nichols, and Linda White

This statement was written by survivors and family members of youth violence in support of a New Mexico bill to ban life without parole for juveniles and create early parole for those serving long adult sentences for crimes committed as children.

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